Personal Injury

We all know that accidents happen – usually when we least expect them. Some accidents may result in a minor bruise or cut that you can treat at home with little difficulty. On the other hand, some accidents result in serious injuries that require emergency care, and that can disrupt your life for months or […]

Everyone should be fully aware of the laws against impaired driving. This includes driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, unlawful drugs, or other intoxicating substances. Unfortunately, despite potentially harsh penalties and the risk of causing serious injuries, many drivers still attempt to operate their vehicles while they are impaired. Impaired driving may also be […]

Medical treatment is always costly, though your bills can significantly increase if an accidental injury requires surgical care. While surgery is necessary to treat many injuries from traffic crashes, falls, and other accidents, it can disrupt your life in many ways. The following are some common accidental injuries that often require surgery. Spinal Cord Injury […]

Commercial trucks are everywhere we look on the highways in and around the Spokane area, and throughout the United States. Because these trucks are so much larger than non-commercial passenger vehicles, crashes can have devastating – or deadly – results. In order to keep motorists safe while allowing the trucking industry to continue to help […]

When you are involved in an accident, it’s important to know how your insurance company will help. It’s important to establish who was at fault. If you were not at fault, you don’t want to spend more of your own money than necessary to get your vehicle repaired and your health back to normal. Your […]

Millions of people suffer injuries from accidents each year. In fact, statistics show that in 2015 more than two million people were hospitalized due to personal injuries. More than 27 million also had to visit the emergency room after being injured in an accident. Personal injury accidents can take a devastating toll on your family, […]

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, a slip and fall incident, or if you’ve been assaulted, getting medical care and legal help should be the top of your priorities. Getting better costs money, and it’s your right and duty to protect yourself while making sure the others aren’t in danger because of an […]